Copyright Notice

All images, artwork, written content, including blogs and articles, and any other material featured on this website are the exclusive property of Michelle Potter, Artist, and are protected by copyright law under the Copyright Act 1968 (Australia) and international copyright conventions. All rights to these works are reserved.

Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, storage, modification, or sale of any images, artwork, written content (including blogs and articles), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. This includes copying, sharing, downloading, or otherwise reproducing any content from this website without prior written consent from Michelle Potter.

Any use of the artwork or written material—whether for commercial or personal purposes—requires the express written permission of Michelle Potter. To request permission for the use, reproduction, or distribution of any content, please contact Michelle Potter directly.

Violators of copyright laws may be subject to legal action, including civil and criminal penalties, under the Copyright Act 1968 and other applicable intellectual property laws in Australia.